Remote Signature
In the past, in-person signatures were the only option, and getting them was inconvenient at best. More recently, remote signature solutions have allowed property managers to send documents by email in a document signing program, which is definitely more convenient. However, with traditional property management offices being so reliant on paper leases, paper forms, and paper inspections, the scanning of a paper document into a digital file so that it can be digitally signed is not really as efficient as it could be. Enter Remote Signature by zInspector.
A paperless solution from front to back, zInspector frees you up from printing, copying, scanning, storing and basically any other -ing that needs to be done when paper is involved. Within this paperless context, requesting and gathering a remote signature within zInspector is really as simple as a few button clicks.
Invite a primary tenant or everyone on the lease to sign an agent-completed move in inspection or any other document created in zInspector. zInspector circulates the inspection virtually until everyone has signed. The resulting signed inspection is stored right in your zInspector Timeline. With zInspector you’ll never think “hassle” when it comes to obtaining a remote signatures again.