In this series, we cover key tools that zInspector users implemented in their unique turnoverinspectionleasing cycles to anticipate and avoid disruption in 2020; these solutions are sure to prove no less essential in the year ahead. In case you missed the previous article, you can check it out here

Property managers who implemented zInspector’s Tenant-Completed Inspections to avoid disruption in 2020 were often surprised to discover that most of their tenants perform adequate, good, and even fantastic Move In inspections (as well as Periodics, Annuals, Renewals, Info Requests…) when armed with a truly smart inspection tool. Featuring fully customizable templates that automatically adapt to the property being inspected and a user-friendly design, zInspector’s tenant inspection solution is precisely that.

Now, a year later, PMs who simply implemented the feature as a stopgap pandemic measure are entirely convinced, and the larger takeaway, it turns out, is that Tenant-Completed Inspections are not simply a great solution in a pinch; they are rather the future of occupied property inspections.

Tenants have never been thrilled to invite inspectors into their homes. To be clear, this doesn’t make them bad tenants. It’s human nature to be protective of one’s personal space and belongings. Experienced property management pros, likewise, don’t truly enjoy entering occupied properties to perform routine inspections, even though it’s their job and, again, this is no judgement on them. It’s just a fact: inspection of occupied properties can be slightly awkward, palpably uncomfortable, even downright gross. Add a little COVID-19 to the mix, stir in social distancing mandates and lockdown orders, and the reluctance on both sides multiplies by a thousand. Inspections still need to be done. In 2020, however, many simply didn’t happen.

Beginning in March of last year and for months after, some PMs simply stopped performing the inspections so crucial to their success.  To be fair, no one was at fault: traditional pen-and-paper inspections for occupied properties simply weren’t safe to implement, and few businesses had yet given the idea of a tenant-led inspection solution serious consideration.

While 2020 is, fortunately, history, the current pandemic is still far from over. Adapting to the current crisis while anticipating the next disruption seems the only reasonable way forward. zInspector is a perfect place to start. Tenants are submitting thousands of completed inspections to zInspector each week and their PMs are keeping tabs on the properties entrusted to them while identifying issues that may need in-person attention—all this from a safe distance.

For any property manager anticipating the next disruption while embracing a more efficient and safe yet highly effective inspection option, zInspector is a resolution well worth making.

To see an actual tenant-completed inspection (a Periodic Inspection, used with permission!) click here.

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